Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby steps

I've put the wheels in motion to obtaining my nursing license in Ca. It's quite a process to apply for an endorsement and quite expensive. I will have to work a full shift and a half to reimburse myself. Ha. I will try moonlighting between the two states and see how that goes.

Can't wait to visit Lake Sonoma Winery!!! Yum, yum, yummmy. If I lived in Healdsburg, I would be a 'regular' at their tasting room. They would know me by name and yell it when I walked in the room! I had the most amazing experience at this particular tasting room. I was in Healdsburg visiting with a friend, many years ago. My goal was to find a wine...that I loved. I wanted to learn about the culture of wines and growing grapes. The whole being of wineries is so romantic to me. I love listening to people describe different wines and how they're paired with certain foods. It's amazing that the flavor comes from different varieties of grapes and soil. Amazing. Truly. Anyway, back to my story. We're doing wine tasting, finding some wines that were pretty good. Then we walk into Lake Sonoma Wineries' tasting room. I'm given a glass of Zinfandel (I thought it was Cab Sauv but my friend swears it was a Zin). WOW. Truly amazing. I was sitting on their leather couch, enjoying my wine. As if things weren't awsome enough, someone who was working behind the counter brought me a piece of dark chocolate. He said, "here, try this with your wine." Reluctantly I obliged. Sip of wine, bite of chocolate. Orgasmic. Almost better than sex. It was all I could do not to do a 'Sarah over-dramatic, off the charts' response and jump up and down and kiss this man. Oh, I so wanted to. He has no idea how that impacted me. You do not know wine until you taste quality wine. Forget the cheap stuff...seriously. LSW changed everything for me. Shortly after getting home from the trip, I'm surprised with an entire case of the wine. Thank you to my awsome friend for the best gift I've ever gotten. With regards to varietals, I'm still learning a lot and have a long way to go. The bottle in the above picture will set you back about $47 and it was about an "8.5". Not bad!!
I wish I could figure out how to avoid purple teeth and lips when drinking red wines.

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