Friday, January 14, 2011

Nursing / Life / Me

Nursing is an interesting field to be in. Dealing with different cultures is great, meeting people from all walks of life is wonderful, learning amazing things about the body is a never-ending educational piece of my job that I love. The tough part....oh the tough part....where do I begin? I really love to help people feel better but it's unfortunate that a part of helping sick people is dealing with unappreciative patients and family members who take their frustrations out on me. On top of that, there's the dying piece to ad to all of this. It adds such a huge layer to an already difficult situation. Over the past two years, I feel like I have given so much of myself that I'm empty. I need to re-fill, re-plenish, pamper, and take good care of myself. This daily need for a healthy atmosphere is heavy and something I forget so easily. This new chapter will lead to yet another chapter where I will take a path towards self discovery and take opportunities to smell the roses. I want to be enamored by something and I want to feel passion towards something. It's easy to get caught up in the everyday-ness of life where you may realize a year or two or (heaven forbid) 10 years down the road that there's something huge that's missing and it may just be that your self needs paying attention to or you're not listening to subtle clues in your environment which are telling you it's time to take a different path. So here's to taking a new path...cheers!

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